Beginners - "Verbs"

The most important word in a sentence to describe something, answer questions and follow directions is a "VERB".

Start by teaching 10 basic commands with objects and a child's own actions Ex:"clapping, smiling, jumping" and then extend these with sets of 10 or 30 pictures (depending on child's skills). Follow the simple steps modeled in the videos with real children in real settings and watch a child use complete sentences to describe picture scenes !

If you listened to the Verbs program Introduction, you know how and why the first 150 verbs were created. These are just the beginning of all action verbs a person learns, but they are enough to be able to use in everyday living conversations.

The child will learn to name 150 verbs

The child will listen and follow directions with actions

The child will describe himself in photographs

The child will learn nouns and pronouns to describe and answer questions with "Who?"


You will find objects in your own environment to teach the action-verbs suggested in the first step of this program.

Follow "Simple Steps" modeled with real children in a real home in very simple to watch videos. Watch them as many times as you need and repeat each step as many times as you need to!


You will have choices:

-Teach a young child slowly, presenting 10 bigger pictures at a time.

-Use the chart with all 30 smaller pictures for older children!

Pictures and charts to support all other steps are available to you once you register. Print and cut them out to practice!

Choose the Beginners - "Verbs" today!