Beginners - "Matching" Program

This is a basic program to teach a child what objects, pictures and symbols are all about. Before we teach basic concepts we need to be sure the child understands that pictures represent objects. Fun activities from matching identical objects to pointing at pictures are included with very simple steps and systems. This program has the first attempts to elicit the child's first words when naming objects and pictures without pressure!

*The child will learn his/her very first learning system

*Adult and child will learn turn taking skills, both learn to"WAIT"​

*Adult and child will learn what to expect from each other during a learning task​.

*Adult and child will be ready to learn many other skills with ease.​


All you need is 10 objects and their identical matches! Use what you have in your home or school!

All visuals included

Use the pictures offered in the program or make your own, it's that simple!

You will need two boxes

You will need containers with lids that are appropriate for a child to learn to open independently. Lets stimulate those little fingers to make them stronger.

Price: $60.

You are ready for the next program! Now you can teach any skill you want!

The child now knows what objects, pictures and symbols are and he/she is ready for much more!

You are now able to guide other skills with a new learning system.

You gave the child all the steps needed before naming pictures; his/her understanding is now steady and he/she is ready to build more knowledge.