Enseñe a un niño a ser buen escuchante con habilidades de atención y de discriminación auditiva detallada!
Cómo asegurarnos de que el niño sabe lo que son los objetos, los dibujos y los símbolos!
Learn to make motivators/Aprenda a elaborar motivadores para que el niño quiera aprender
Expanding a child's ability to find words to communicate effectively are essential.
"Children Learn to Transition from a Calendar to a Personal Planner Designed with simple steps that children can follow, this planner helps them organize their tasks and time, while being guided by an adult for support and encouragement."
Teach the last set of 10 categories, strategies and advanced skills for naming and describing.
Listening skills are developed, attending for longer periods and learning how to play a game!
Learn to teach a child how to describe something with details. It is a skill we need to have effective conversations.
Learn to teach a child how to improve memory skills for word finding by learning categories!
Teach a child spatial relationships starting with him/her and the objects around him/her!
Learn how to teach a child his/her first vocabulary words and the ten first category groups.
Learn how to teach a child about time and events in your space. Complement the daily routines.
Teach a child to organize his/her environment and tell what they did in their day!
Find out if the child knows what objects, pictures and symbols are all about!
Teach a child to become an effective listener and follow verbal directions!
Teach a child to answer the question "What are you doing?"
Tools to motivate a child to learn/Herramientas para motivar a un niño a aprender
Families share their experiences with the programs. Videos de familias que comparten sus experiencias con los programas, Brenda comparte sus ideas con los programas.
Aprenda a enseñar las relaciones espaciales a un niño para que diga dónde está
Enseñe a un niño a contestar a la pregunta ¿Qué estás haciendo?
Enséñele a un niño como manejar el tiempo. Este programa complementa Las Rutinas Diarias.
Aprenda a enseñar a un niño cómo memorizar más fácilmente al agrupar palabras por su categoría
Enséñele a un niño su entorno, lo que espera de él/ella y cómo decir lo que hicieron en su día!
Aprenda a enseñarle a un niño a describir un objeto por sus características. Esto es parte esencial de una conversación efectiva.
Enseñe a un niño a atender, a escuchar y a seguir instrucciones verbales!
Enseñe las últimas 10 categorías, podrá decir los nombres y descripciones de lo que nos rodea.
Enseñe las primeras palabras de un niño y las primeras categorias.
Aprenda a extender el vocabulario en un niño para ser un conversador efectivo, encontrar las palabras que quiere decir es esencial.
This program was created for Therapists interested in finding simple steps to start therapy sessions. We get ane valuation report and an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) Then what? You will have guidance through specific videos directly making materials and working with children. For early intervention, public or private schools, private, teletherapy, individual or group sessions. You will learn how to start and follow the simplesteps4learning programs. Parents and other adults interested are welcome, sometimes you have the need or desire to help a child, so I am opening this program to all those interested. I share 40 years of experience working in many settings as a Speech Language Pathologist and behavioral specialist.
We have an evaluation report and an Individualized Education plan (IEP), now what? This assessment can run alongside therapy, helping to define specific objectives and a clear plan, so therapy can proceed smoothly and effectively.
Introduction to all programs, beginners, advanced and specialized for each child's needs.